Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Philippine Lotto Results 2012 June 20, 2012

EZ2 Lotto (2D)



Swertres Lotto (3D)

11:00 am:
4:00 pm:

9:00 pm:

4 Digit Game (4D)


MegaLotto 6/45

Estimated Jackpot:
0 winner

GrandLotto 6/55

Estimated Jackpot:
0 winner

June 19, 2012

EZ2 Lotto (2D)


Swertres Lotto (3D)

11:00 am:3-6-9
4:00 pm:5-1-1
9:00 pm:

6 Digit Game (6D)


Lotto 6/42

Estimated Jackpot:
0 winner

SuperLotto 6/49


If you think about it, winning the lotto must be everyone’s secret fantasy, but if
you are realistic about it, the odds on winning are so astronomical as to be
virtually impossible. Of course, everybody likes to think that they have an equal
chance of winning and usually justify their ticket purchase by saying that
somebody has to win, and, if you’re not in you can’t win. Yes indeed, somebody
will win the jackpot, but unless you follow some basic rules in how to choose your
numbers, its unlikely to be you !
When placing a bet, most of us just think of the jackpot prize, without ever
trying to figure out the odds. That’s why, when there is a rollover jackpot with
the prize getting bigger and bigger, more and more people buy tickets. But just
because there’s a huge jackpot, the odds have not changed in any way. In fact,
in the unlikely event that you do win the lotto when there have been a few
rollovers, its more than likely you’ll have to share it with others.
In the Irish Lotto of picking six numbers out of 42, the total possible six number
combinations are 5,245,786. In other words, the odds of winning are 5,245,786 to
1. Obviously, the more tickets you buy, the more you reduce those odds in your
favour, but unless you buy an absolutely huge amounts of tickets, your odds of
winning are still very poor. And anyway, buying large amounts of tickets is not
really a practical proposition.
If you are serious about trying to win the Lotto, or even winning a second or
third prize, you need to pick your numbers based on probabilities, not
possibilities. Yes, every six number combination has a possibility of been
drawn, even if the odds are astronomical. But it’s the numbers that have a good
probability of been drawn that we need to pick.
I’ll explain what l mean by that.
Every time the balls are draw in a lotto, its purely random. Yet over time, even
random events will develop patterns. By historical analysis of over 150 different
lotto games worldwide, going back over 50 years, certain patterns have become
apparent. If you know that certain numbers and certain number combinations
will in all probability be drawn only 5-10% of the time, based on a history of past
performance, it then makes sense to pick numbers or number sequences that
have a 90-95% probable chance of being picked.
I’ll now reveal to you 10 secrets of how you can really improve your chances of
winning the Lotto, without having to buy any extra tickets.

1) Picking ODD or EVEN Numbers
ALL ODD or ALL EVEN numbers are very rarely drawn, occurring only about 2%
of the time. The best mix of numbers to have is:
In other words, 2 Even and 4 Odd numbers, or 4 Even and 2 Odd numbers or
3 Even and 3 Odd numbers
One of these three patterns will occur in about 75% of all drawings

2) Picking HIGH and LOW Numbers

In a 42 number game like the Irish LOTTO, numbers 1 TO 21 are LOW numbers
and numbers 22 to 42 are HIGH numbers. Winning numbers are usually spread
across the complete number range of 1 to 42, as it’s very rare for all HIGH or all
LOW numbers to be drawn, occurring only about 2% of the time
Like odd and even combinations, the best combinations are:
In other words, 2 Low and 4 High, or 4 Low and 2 High, or 3 Low and 3 High
Winning number groups with these three patterns occurs over 80% of the time

3) The Best SUMS to Have

If you were to take the lowest possible combination of Lotto numbers, which is
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and then add up these numbers, it comes to the sum of 21.
Do the same for the highest possible combination of Lotto numbers, which are
37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42, and it adds up to the sum of 237
Therefore the range of all possible sums in a 42 number game is from 21 to 237.
If the range of all possible sums were plotted out on paper, the result would be
a curve in the shape of a bell, with the number 21 at one end and the number
237 at the other end. In the 42 number Lotto, the most frequently occurring sum
is 129. This is due to the fact that the greatest percentage of six number
combinations in a 6 of 42 number game, when added up, comes to 129
So, theoretically, six number combinations that add up to 129 are the most likely
to occur in a randomly drawn 42 number Lotto game. In fact, over 70% of all
jackpots won have sums that fall within the 100 to 158 range, which is an equal
spread on each side of 129. When choosing your numbers make sure that, when
added up, your numbers fall somewhere within this range

4) Avoid LOW Number Combinations

Many people pick numbers based on birthdays, anniversaries etc. But these
only cover the numbers 1 to 12 and 1 to 31. By not playing the numbers 32 to 42,
you significantly reduce your odds of winning.
Avoid picking numbers based solely on birthdays and other special dates, but if
you do, make sure to cover the 32 to 42 number range also.

5) Avoid Betting SIX CONSECUTIVE Numbers

No six consecutive number combinations have been drawn in ANY Lotto ever.
These are combinations such as 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15. Or 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28
etc. Even five consecutive numbers is a very rare occurance.
As a matter of interest, the most popular set of numbers most often played is 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6. In fact thousands of tickets are bought in each Lotto draw with this
combination. But this set of numbers is virtually guaranteed to lose, as its so
out of balance to come up in a random drawing, as explained in Secret 3


These are combinations such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Or number combinations
that have the same last digit, such as 3, 13, 23, 33 etc. Even four same last digits
only appear in less than 1% of all drawings. To improve your chances of
winning, pick numbers with no same last digit, as these are drawn most.
Winning sets of numbers with no more than one repeated last digit, occur in
nearly 80% of all Lotto drawings

7) Don’t Pick Combinations That Have WON Before

It is virtually impossible for the same set of numbers to hit the jackpot twice! At
least in your lifetime! Many people bet on numbers that have won others a
jackpot, in the hope that these numbers are somehow lucky and will win for
them too. But in doing so, they are almost guaranteed not to win the jackpot
In the Lotto game 6 of 42, based on two drawings twice a week, a set of 6
numbers has a chance of being drawn once every 5440 years!

8) Avoid Pattern Betting

Many people mark their betting slips in patterns in a row. For example, as a line
across the bet slip vertically or diagonally. Or even across. This does’nt make
sense! Try and stick to numbers, or number combinations that have a good
probability of being drawn.

9) Avoid Quick Picks

Quick Picks are usually chosen by people who can’t be bothered to make any
effort in choosing their numbers. And yet, still feel they have an equal chance of
winning. But often you’ll hear that the jackpot winner used a quick pick set of
numbers. However, when you think of the vast majority of tickets sold are quick
picks, it makes sense that there will be many winners who used a quick pick.
However, unless quick pick numbers on your ticket follow the rules set out in
this report, it’s unlikely to win. As explained before, if you are serious about
trying to win, pick numbers that have a good probability of being picked instead
of a computer generated combination, which is what a quick pick is

10) Play Less Often, but with More Lines

If you play the lotto weekly, your chances of winning, as mentioned before, are
5,245,768 to l. However, four lines played once every four weeks, have a better
chance of winning than one line played weekly for four weeks. This is because
when you play one line on a weekly basis, your odds will always be 5,245,768 to
1. However, by playing four lines on one draw, you have reduced the odds four
times in your favour. Even if you play twice weekly, you will double your
chances of winning by playing four lines once a week, rather than two lines
twice a week

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012 Lotto Results

Grand Lotto 6/55
Jackpot Prize: Php 96,674,000.40
No Winner

Mega Lotto 6/45
Jackpot Prize: Php 4,500,000.00
No Winner

Four Digit 4D

Swertres 3 Digit
11:00 am: 9-9-5
4:00 pm: 7-5-8
9:00 pm: 5-8-6

Two Digit EZ2 Lotto
11am: 30-10
4pm: 05-21
9pm: 08-27